Where does Helia come from?

Phyllis has dedicated her farming career to creating the most ‘alive’ soils possible…. Soils that have the mineral building blocks and microbial carpenters to build nutrient dense food and increase soil carbon levels for global cooling.

As a regenerative soil consultant Phyllis helps farmers to revive their soils and pastures. Getting the soil nutrition and microbes right makes for robust animals that don’t need drenches or antibiotics. Regenerated soils as also grow food with high vitamin and mineral content. These farm soils and plants can then reduce greenhouse gases by pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and storing it deep in the soil where it came from and where it belongs.

With alive carbon sequestering soils there is an increased production of higher quality food, cleaner streams and lakes and a tremendous sense of satisfaction for farmers knowing they are profitably creating foods that can truly nourish and heal people.

Phyllis’s home and model farm was situated several kilometres inland from the dramatic Cape Kidnappers coast on the North Island of New Zealand.

Over the last 9 years Phyllis transformed the hard-packed orange soils into dark brown, friable ‘chocolate cake’ soils that grow lush, high Brix pastures. She has purposely seeded dozens of different species of grazing plants to provide the diversity that cows need for optimal health. Old fashioned meadow species like: Timothy, Fescues, Bromes Lucerne, chicory, trefoil, comfrey, and several types of flowering clover. Phyllis’ beautiful, purebred Jerseys only eat grass, hay or shrubs grown here on the 125 acres of organically certified home farm.

To create the best possible natural source of fat-soluble vitamins from the suet, Phyllis leaves the Jersey calves on their mothers for many months. That way they always have the perfect food tailored to their specific needs. This practice is unheard of in farming circles. Most dairy calves are taken from their mothers within 12 hours of birth and raised on 4 litres a day of reconstituted low-fat milk powder and GMO grain meal, isolated from other cows and even from each other.

Phyllis explains it like this: “Here at the home model farm, the calves stay with mum and the herd all their lives, frolicking with each other and eating a salad bar selection of herbs and grasses along with that all important access to their mother’s creamy warm milk whenever they want. This enables them to lay down the initial fat cells they need to create and store the highest quality internal cavity fat called suet which is rich in skin nourishing Vitamins A, K2 and CLA. Ultimately, after humane dispatch, the steers provide the rich suet for my Helia balm products. It’s a pact I make with my animals - I provide them protection, the world’s best pastures and a happy low-stress life. Then they provide you with the world’s best skin care.”

“Te Ukaipo is the name of the home model farm. It’s a Maori word that represents the concept of a spiritual touchstone – a place you to mentally when your soul needs nourishment or protection. Attempting literal translations is always tricky but – it is something like ‘the breast that nourishes one in a time of darkness or night’. I’ve named this very special balm Helia in recognition of the farm, the animals and the crucial role of the Sun, Helios …. and because it truly nourishes and heals the skin”

A special note from Phyllis:

“I would like to personally thank the many people who have generously contributed to my dedication to nutrient dense soils, pastures and food. My understanding of the science behind biological agriculture is due to Dr Arden Andersen and his amazing courses. Through that beginning I learned from a range of other experts: Dr Dan Skow, Dr Paul Dettloff, Wendell Owens, Jon Frank, Graeme Sait, Dr Christine Jones, the late Dr Bruce Tainio and the late Dr Jerry Brunetti. All of these greats deserve our deep gratitude for providing the science and inspiration for humus rich soils and high Brix nutrient dense food with the goodness and regeneration that agriculture CAN provide. I thank you all.”

Wishing you the best of health,

Phyllis Tichinin